Are You on the Fence? Buying vs. Leasing Commercial Property

In the realm of business, the decision to either lease or buy commercial property is a crucial one, often carrying significant implications for the future of the enterprise. Both options come with their own set of advantages and drawbacks, making it essential for entrepreneurs and business owners to carefully evaluate their specific circumstances, needs, and goals before making a choice.

Let’s explore the pros and cons of leasing versus buying commercial property to help you make an informed decision.

Photo of Office Building

Photo by Pixabay:

Leasing Commercial Property


  1. Lower Initial Costs: Leasing typically requires less upfront capital compared to purchasing property. Instead of a hefty down payment, lessees usually pay a security deposit and the first month’s rent.
  2. Flexibility: Leasing offers businesses the flexibility to adapt to changing needs. If your business experiences growth or contraction, it’s easier to adjust your space requirements when leasing, either by expanding into additional units or downsizing.
  3. Reduced Responsibilities: Maintenance and repair responsibilities often fall on the landlord when leasing commercial property. This can alleviate some of the burdens associated with property ownership, allowing business owners to focus on core operations.
  4. Location Options: Leasing provides access to prime locations that may be financially out of reach for purchasing. This can be advantageous for businesses looking to establish a presence in high-traffic areas or “destination” areas without the commitment of ownership.


  1. Limited Control: As a Tenant, you have limited control over the property. Renovations or alterations most likely require Landlord approval, and lease terms may restrict certain activities or changes to the space.
  2. No Equity Building: Unlike buying property, leasing does not offer the opportunity to build equity. Monthly lease payments contribute solely to occupancy costs without any long-term asset accumulation.
  3. Rental Increases: Lease agreements typically include provisions for rent escalation over time. While this allows Landlords to keep up with market trends and increased costs due to economic fluctuations, it can lead to increased occupancy costs for tenants, affecting long-term financial planning.
Image of woman entrepreneur in retail shop

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Buying Commercial Property


  1. Ownership and Equity: Purchasing commercial property allows businesses to build equity over time. Property ownership can serve as a long-term investment, potentially yielding returns through appreciation and equity buildup.
  2. Control and Customization: Property ownership grants full control over the space, enabling businesses to customize and modify the property according to their needs without seeking landlord approval.
  3. Stable Costs: With a fixed-rate mortgage, businesses can enjoy stable occupancy costs, unaffected by fluctuating rental rates. This predictability can facilitate better financial planning and budgeting.
  4. Potential Rental Income: Owning commercial property provides the opportunity to generate additional income by leasing out unused space to other businesses or tenants, thereby diversifying revenue streams.


  1. High Initial Costs: Buying commercial property entails substantial upfront costs, including down payments, closing costs, and potential property improvements. This can be a barrier to entry for some businesses, particularly startups or small enterprises.
  2. Maintenance Responsibilities: Property ownership comes with maintenance and repair responsibilities. Businesses must allocate resources for upkeep, repairs, and property management, which affects the bottom line.
  3. Limited Flexibility: Unlike leasing, owning commercial property ties your business to a specific location. Relocating or expansion needs may involve selling the property, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  4. Market Risk: Property values are subject to market fluctuations, and economic downturns can impact property appreciation and rental demand, potentially affecting the property’s investment value.
Photo of a Bistro Storefront with Colorful Awnings

Image by Foundry Co from Pixabay

When it all comes down to it, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each option presents its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and the decision ultimately hinges on factors such as financial resources, business objectives, and long-term strategy.

By carefully evaluating the pros and cons outlined above and considering your unique circumstances, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your business goals and aspirations. Whether leasing or buying, the key is to approach the decision with thorough research and foresight to ensure a sound investment in the future of your business.

We’re eager to connect and dive deep into your vision for commercial property leasing or purchasing. Let’s explore your long-term goals together and leverage our expertise to analyze data, conduct research, and identify tailored options that fit your needs. As locals deeply rooted in this community, we’re not just passionate about the area—we live and breathe it. Count on us to bring our local insights and dedication to your real estate endeavors, ensuring a seamless journey toward your objectives.

2018 – Startups Staying Power

Let’s explore why especially the technology startups have a true advantage in 2018.

  • The overall cost has dropped dramatically – 999900% from 1990 until today to be exact. It’s cheap to build a startup on the internet.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been implemented over most facets of the the lives of Americans and will continue to grow in uses with time and advances in tech. Any company involved in this has a clear advantage.
  • Transformative Techology

– Real-Time Example: Shotspotter, Inc.Shotspotter Stock(Courtesy of Google Finance 2018)

This technology features sensors that will notify local police of gun violence incidents only seconds are the trigger is pulled. The effectiveness of the technology provides widespread results that have a ripple effect in so many directions.


A Sample of Tech Startups that hit the ground running:



Wearable Technologies

A Salesforce Researchers survey found that 79 percent of early adopters think wearables will play a critical role their company’s future success. Forecasters say that service industries, retail, healthcare, sales and marketing will be the avenues that wearable tech will be in high demand.


Smart Technologies


From smart homes and offices to smart cars, the future is bright in this arena. We speak to operating systems and tell them what we want. We are connected wherever we go. Property management automation options will play a big role in the future of office and retail especially.


Cybersecurity and Counter-Terrorismhacker-1872304_1920

Innovation is in demand to protect personal information, company records, government data and military infrastructure.

The greater the level of AI and wearable/mobile tech, the greater the need for protection and security from hackers. It’s a constant progression, with increasing need for monitoring and infiltrating tools.


Disruptive Technology

In one fell swoop, Berkshire Hathaway, Amazon and JPMC threw the healthcare stock market into a tailspin as they announced that they were joining forces to develop a solution to their company healthcare concerns. One press release caused investors to lose billions of dollars. Disruptive technology challenges the sustainability of old systems, causing companies to be acquired or just simply go out of business.


Information Technology has become a focused concern for commercial property owners and property managers. Keeping up with “the next” is a daunting task for many small to medium size companies, let alone the property owner who is faced with sustaining the viability of his multi-tenant office building. Commercial developers have become the researchers in order to stay abreast of the ever-changing landscape. Whether we like it or not, the future is now folks, so buckle up buttercups.






















My Analysis of CrunchBase

crunchbase-logoWhat is Crunchbase?

Accurate, deep data with the ability to deliver high-potential, high-quality leads and analysis

Who uses Crunchbase?

  • Investors
    • Investigation:
      • new companies
      • new people
      • companies that raised money
      • companies that recently failed
      • companies that hired new people
  • Entrepreneurs
    • Investigation:
      • Locate investors that are investing in your specific industry, product, services, location, etc.
  • Business Development Teams
    • Investigation:
      • Find connections
      • Find companies
      • Find competitors
      • Find licensed investors

Why Crunchbase?

  • Customized Searches
  • Data analysis tools to glean the information you are looking for
  • Customizable email alerts to keep you in the know and finger to the pulse of the business economy
  • Over 1 million users per week and fastest growing of it’s kind

Crunchbase’s Mission in a Nutshell

The definitive business intelligence platform where professional communities document the connections between investors, companies, products and people.

A Global one-stop-shop for data, trends and analysis tools.

Crunchbase’s advantage to the Commercial Real Estate & Crowdfunding

  • Quantifying Startups and Founders:
  • Integrating Analytics into Investment Thesis
  • Quantifying Services
  • New Investment Vehicles built on data
  • Because the SEC allows open solicitation as of 2012, Crunchbase opens a world of potential investors to one seeking funding from qualified investors
  • Evaluate traction
  • Evaluate competitors

Crunchbase’s advantage to the Small to Medium Business

  • No need for a data analytics team
  • Find qualified investors easier
  • Global data at your fingertips
  • Customizable searches to get to your local level, interest, business size
  • Gauge your competition and evaluate their movements, both financially and growth-wise

Crunchbase’s Competition

  • Angellist
  • F6s
  • Owler
  • Mattermark
  • CB Insights
  • Datafox
  • Traxen
  • Funderbeam
  • Sourcinno