2018 – Startups Staying Power

Let’s explore why especially the technology startups have a true advantage in 2018.

  • The overall cost has dropped dramatically – 999900% from 1990 until today to be exact. It’s cheap to build a startup on the internet.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been implemented over most facets of the the lives of Americans and will continue to grow in uses with time and advances in tech. Any company involved in this has a clear advantage.
  • Transformative Techology

– Real-Time Example: Shotspotter, Inc.Shotspotter Stock(Courtesy of Google Finance 2018)

This technology features sensors that will notify local police of gun violence incidents only seconds are the trigger is pulled. The effectiveness of the technology provides widespread results that have a ripple effect in so many directions.


A Sample of Tech Startups that hit the ground running:



Wearable Technologies

A Salesforce Researchers survey found that 79 percent of early adopters think wearables will play a critical role their company’s future success. Forecasters say that service industries, retail, healthcare, sales and marketing will be the avenues that wearable tech will be in high demand.


Smart Technologies


From smart homes and offices to smart cars, the future is bright in this arena. We speak to operating systems and tell them what we want. We are connected wherever we go. Property management automation options will play a big role in the future of office and retail especially.


Cybersecurity and Counter-Terrorismhacker-1872304_1920

Innovation is in demand to protect personal information, company records, government data and military infrastructure.

The greater the level of AI and wearable/mobile tech, the greater the need for protection and security from hackers. It’s a constant progression, with increasing need for monitoring and infiltrating tools.


Disruptive Technology

In one fell swoop, Berkshire Hathaway, Amazon and JPMC threw the healthcare stock market into a tailspin as they announced that they were joining forces to develop a solution to their company healthcare concerns. One press release caused investors to lose billions of dollars. Disruptive technology challenges the sustainability of old systems, causing companies to be acquired or just simply go out of business.


Information Technology has become a focused concern for commercial property owners and property managers. Keeping up with “the next” is a daunting task for many small to medium size companies, let alone the property owner who is faced with sustaining the viability of his multi-tenant office building. Commercial developers have become the researchers in order to stay abreast of the ever-changing landscape. Whether we like it or not, the future is now folks, so buckle up buttercups.






















Google Glass for #CRE

With the emerging tech eye candy that is finally making its way into the Commercial Real Estate Industry, there is a unusually balanced amount of excitement versus concern. Sites such as View the Space give you the try before you buy realistic experience before you even bother to make the appointment with the listing agent.  With all the available data flooding the consumer base, most of which we as Commercial Brokerages are willingly supplying to the CRE data storehouses such as CoStar and LoopNet, you have to wonder if you really need to show up in person ever again, right? Boy, that’s really going to cut down on that tax break for the dry cleaning, huh?

Enter, stage right….Google Glass, Google Tango. If you didn’t have to actually wear it or carry it you would be having eery flashbacks to the Matrix wondering if reality is overrated. From all of the reviews we’ve watched, comments included “efficient”, “time-saver”, “get more deals done quicker”, etc. Google Glass allows you to video tour the property for your client who may just happen to be on the other side of the hemisphere, virtually interacting while providing a more “personalized” experience.

But wait, behind door number three…Google Tango materializes, furnishing mobile devices a “human-scale understanding of space and motion”{1} .  The possible applications are endless in regards to Google Tango, because a user can be impaired and be empowered to navigate in a way they never thought possible. The application for the retail environment could be epic. Instead of the individual store apps, Google Glass could direct you to that much desired item through a captivating virtual and realistic experience combined without proprietorially taking up more memory on your tablet or your mobile.

For the Commercial Real Estate Industry, virtual tours are not the only tool in its belt folks. Google Glass can create 3D advertising images such as “For Sale” and “Office Space Available for Lease”. Google Glass Real Estate Layer App Tenant improvements could be visualized in that same 3D format, bringing vision to reality in a potentially shorter time frame. For Property Manager, this technology could prove helpful in maintenance, security and construction on-site.

Keep your camera button on your smartphone on the ready for now. With a limited quantity of glass users and Project Tango still in the incubation stages, you, our Commercial Realtor friend, and your camera app are still needed. Uneasiness lies in the guts of more than one industry, let alone governmental authorities regarding safety, security and privacy concerns.  How many times do pass people on the highway who are texting away while holding 70+.  The Department of Transport in the UK has deemed using Google Glass while driving as careless driving and is a penalty offense. West Virginia’s Gary Howell proposed an amendment to their state’s law including bans against any wearable computer  out of concern for safety. Video capture is not welcome everywhere, people. I know the minute you finally got your turn when the I-Phone came out you felt an empowerment to share EVERYTHING. However, companies hold proprietary information, private records, personal data, codes, strategies…the list goes on.  The cyber-crime units see the vast buffet of new ways to commit felony “virtually”. And lest we forget, Big Brother Google is able to track your every movement while utilizing Glass or Tango. This gives new meaning to “personalized ads”, doesn’t it?

References: {1} Project Tango https://www.google.com/atap/projecttango/